Keep the Sunshine
Hi everyone and welcome to the first blog newsletter for 2023. As you will all be aware, email is the only untethered, ‘non logarithmed’ way for true connection with your tribe, but the last thing I want to do is overwhelm your inbox, so to set expectations - I plan to hit your mailbox once a month except when there are exclusive drops! Think of me as your monthly little drop of joy, with a few sprinkles added in between!😊😊 (ooooo…btw…some exciting things planned for this year! )
So here we are – February already! And the question on my mind – and my focus for this month is how to keep the joy, the ease, the peace of the holidays into the frenetic pace of ‘normal life’. What you may ask has this got to do with a homewares and art business? Well, a lot really - Red Lane Studio is a joy spreader - we are all about the happy, so any topic that brings more of this into our lives is fair game!
These holidays, for the first time in such a long time, I actually stepped off the mouse wheel and can see the pace and relentlessness of life and daily tasks which can swallow up the simplicity of simply being and the centredness and innate happiness which comes with that simplicity. So, I asked myself how am I going to ‘keep the sunshine’ in my life? I have come up with the following 8 ideas/steps – not exhaustive - which I’d like to share with you, just in case you too want to ‘Keep the Sunshine’ in your life.
8 Step Sunshine Series:
Take just a little time to completely stop and appreciate where I am in that moment.
Take a deep belly breath and hold for just a moment, appreciate the feeling of simply being alive and gently breathe out.
Take a moment to count my blessings, send love out to all I care for whether present or not.
Schedule in a little ‘me time’ to slow down and centre – even if it’s just a few extra minutes to put on a hair wrap!
Schedule in some meditation, or some visual deprivation time with an eye mask, so my mind can just still.
Pick up a book instead of my phone. - Did you know that touching something textural, like pages of a book or fabric brings you into the here and now, makes you present. (then I like to escape into a good read!)
Listen to upbeat music & have a good dance, or at least sing & chair groove!(sorry neighbours🤣)
Bring into my surroundings a visual reminder – a cue to the feeling of holidays, something to make me smile - a reminder of my 8 steps to sunshine!
Can you think of anything you would like to add or that you will do? I’d love to hear from you – please leave a comment!
So, as a freebie, I have included the link for all subscribers to the postcard above, that you can print off onto card and put in your study, on your fridge, wherever you like - that simple visual reminder to bring you back to the feeling of holiday so we can all ‘keep the sunshine’ in our lives.
Upcoming for February:
Inside the Box Exhibition - The Corner Store Gallery - 14th February, 8pm
So excited to reveal below, my entry in the ‘Inside the Box’ art exhibition run by The Corner Store Gallery. ‘Lucky in Love’ is a mixed media piece on board and is framed as shown.
Online Sales Launch is Tuesday 14th February at 8pm, opening night is Friday 17th February from 6pm. Exclusive access is given to all people on the Corner Store Gallery database first - pieces can go really quickly so make sure you set your alarm clock if there is one that you want!
‘Lucky in Love’
Mixed media on board. Framed as shown.
Emu Plains Market 18th February 9-2pm
Held at the Emu Plains Racecourse and under the gum trees, this is my absolute fave market to attend both as a stall holder and as a wanderer. Would love to see you there – come and say ‘Hi’ if you decide to go.
Global Sisters Marketplace – launching early Feb.
Really proud to be part of the Global Sisters Marketplace. This group have be instrumental in my launching of this business and the support and assistance they provide to women to create their own business is phenomenal. If you are toying with the idea yourself, go check out their website, I can highly recommend it!
Exclusive access
……to new homewares collaboration will be launched late Feb – keep your eyes peeled for some colourful yumminess.
Have a wonderful, ‘Sunshiney’ February peeps!
With much love,